Free Listening at the Silverlake Farmers Market | Ep. 113


JULY 4, 2017

EPISODE 113 |  JULY 4, 2017

In this episode of the Heard Podcast, Ben packs up his computer and his microphone and hits up the nearby Silverlake Farmers Market to listen to anyone who has anything to say. Join Ben as he gets to know a harpist, a homeless man, and a lover of watermelon drinks while discussing everything from philosophy to musical theory to shooting your cremated ashes into space.

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About Urban Confessional

Born on the streets of Los Angeles, California, Urban Confessional began as a community of actors determined to challenge the status quo. Every week, they stood on street corners in LA with signs that read “Free Listening” and opened their hearts to anyone who needed to laugh, cry, scream, or chat. Over the years, the community has grown to include people from all walks of life across 6 continents, 50 countries, and 40 states. 


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